Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I was really pretty excited to find myself in the middle of this campaign. Who doesn't love cake?! We sure do! I shop at Fry's (Kroger) almost daily, so there wouldn't be a problem finding this new product, right?! Wrong. I visited my regular Fry's right away...(I said I was excited)....where I know the lady in the bakery very well. Unfortunately, the upside cakes were nowhere to be found and my friend hadn't even heard of them! I was very disappointed, but thought maybe because it was a new product, they just hadn't received it yet. I waited about a week and tried my regular store again...still no cakes! I decided to go on a little hunt. I tried two other stores in the area....nope! Never heard of the product. Because I'm at Fry's almost every day, I still check in and around the bakery in hopes that maybe they've finally received them yet. Still nothing. The campaign ends in eight days.........I have a feeling I will not be able to find and try these cakes. So disappointing!