Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pure Craziness!

Yes, I know I don't blog often enough to keep things and events separate or time frames from running together, etc. -- but even if I did, this past couple of weeks would have been pure craziness anyways!

My last post was about being accepted to Ramona's CT, and let me just say that I'm having so much fun doing that. I get to learn new things, see some awesome creativity flow through her forum, and see how Ramona puts together her kits...from idea to product...she really is amazing. I'm so excited to see the products she's currently working on be moved into the store and for the ideas that are just sparking to go through the process of idea, to sketch, through to product. You all will be just as happy to see (and work with) her awesome products.

Then this last week started!!! I was asked to be on another CT for Becky of B2N2 Scraps (Becky's the brains behind me applying for CT's in the first place), and she has some adorable kits as well, so be looking out for her newest release within a week or so.

After that I decided to try and participate in the Designer Survivor contest going on at Brownie Scraps. Why? Good question. I am seriously the furthest thing from a designer there possibly is, so I don't know what I was thinking when I sent in my email. But I'm there, I'm competing and I'm meeting some truly awesome people that have come from all around the world to participate in the same challenge. So even if I don't make it past the first week, it's OK, I've already learned quite a bit and had a lot a fun.

In the middle of all the Designer Survivor chaos, I got an email saying I was accepted to another CT for Evie of FlutterbyeFaery Designs. That was the proverbial cherry on top. I was (am) shocked and excited. Evie has such a beautiful product line, with new stuff coming out, and I'm excited to be able to work with more of her stuff. That girl is very talented, you all just don't know!

If all of that isn't enough, I made the huge decision a couple months ago to take my youngest child out of traditional school and start on-line schooling at home...that starts tomorrow and I don't even have a desk for him to work at or his computer set up and ready to go...so that means he'll be using mine for school until I get his set-up, meaning less computer time for me, very sad!

Then, while at a Discovery event for his new school this morning, I get a phone call....it's the district manager for the school district I work for (cashier), and she's offering me a position with a little more hours at a different school! Ahhhh, what to do, what to do! I've been at the same school for 7 years now, and there's so much nonsense, drama, and unfair management going on that I decided it's time to go....so in about a week and a half I'm moving to another school! Meeting new people, doing different stuff at a totally different place. I don't like change, but it's time!

And scouts starts back up tonight!!! Holy cow, I almost forgot. Guess I better get stuff ready for the meeting.

Hopefully the craziness will subside soon and I'll be able to post more regularly. If you've read this far, thanks for listening. :o)

Happy Tuesday!

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