Thursday, March 4, 2010

Step two and a follower!!

Step two...complete! I was up into the wee hours of the night, but I finally got my header finished and on my page. Looks much better than just the plain green. Can't wait to see how it all starts to come together. There are a couple things that need a little tweeking, but I'll eventually get the hang of it.

I also woke up to my first "follower". What a treat! Thanks March! Someday I hope to be as great as you are with the designing, the LO's, the posting and such. Thanks for being my first follower. =)

Have a beautiful day!!


  1. Congrats on being a blogger! I love your header, and now you have 2 followers! :)

  2. Lookin' good!! Love the green and the flowers!! You'll be an old pro in no time at all!!

  3. LOL, thanks ladies. And now I have 3!!!!
